I samband med att jag gör en hård reset av min Pocket så kommer här en länkdump för referens. Såväl för mig, som kanske kommer att läsa dessa någon gång, eller någon annan som undrar vad jag brukar lägga på att läsa-listor.
- Empathy Prompts
- PaperCSS • the less formal CSS framework
- Debouncing with React Hooks - DEV Community
- The Web We Lost - sonniesedge.co.uk
- Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy - Wait But Why
- You Don't Want a Rock Star. You Want a Roadie. | LinkedIn
- On Django's longevity
- Everything Easy is Hard Again – Frank Chimero
- Testing Microservices, the sane way – Cindy Sridharan – Medium
- http://loudwire.com/best-metal-albums-subgenres/
- 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M. – The Mission – Medium
- https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/has-the-smartphone-destroyed-a-generation/534198/
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
- Happiness Is Not Enough | Mark Manson
- The responsive order conflict for keyboard focus | AlastairC
- Dockerizing Django, uWSGI and Postgres the serious way
- Designing The Perfect Date And Time Picker – Smashing Magazine
- Actually WCAG 2 says 18pt, not pixels, which are 23.994 pixels (24px).
- Are Float Labels Really That Problematic After All?
- safe-area-inset values on iOS11 - QuirksBlog
- Ack for CSS Developers – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance O
- I’ve seen the future, it’s full of HTML. – Mikeal – Medium
- Writing CSS with Accessibility in Mind – Manuel Matuzovic – Medium
- A day without Javascript
- Floating labels are problematic – Simple = Human – Medium
- There Is No Document Outline Algorithm | Adrian Roselli
- Resilient Web Design—Chapter 4
- rems and ems, and why you probably don’t need them – Hacker Noon
- Elegant SciPy: The Art of Scientific Python: 9781491922873: Computer Scienc
- Sound Pattern Recognition with Python – Adilson Neto – Medium
- Django Migration Don'ts | edX Blog
- Sjuk teori om sjuka hus - Fokus
- The Senior Engineer’s Guide to Helping Others Make Decisions – Geeky
- Realtime Editing of Ordered Sequences – Figma Design
- Automating Django Deployments with Fabric and Ansible - Real Python
- Passmarked
- From Sass to PostCSS by Tyler Gaw
- Algorithm-Driven Design: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Design – S
- Reference Types · The Vala Tutorial
- Fluid type examples - Mike Riethmuller
- The Typekit Blog | Flexible typography with CSS locks
- Workflows in Django
- Putting Contexts in Context | Michał Muskała